Natural Easter Basket Ideas

Looking for alternatives to plastic grass and candy this year? Here are some great ideas for creating a memorable Easter Basket for the child in your life.

Playsilks make the best substitute for that messy plastic grass. Place one in the bottom of the basket to add a bright splash of color and a warm texture. Starting at $3.95, our playsilks come in the following sizes:Each one of our colorful playsilks is hand sewn and hand-dyed in the USA. Use code "eastersilk" at checkout to receive 10% off your playsilks, now through 4/10/11.

Wooden Eggs won't ever spoil! After Easter ends, children love to incorporate these in their imaginative playtime.

For the young musician in your family, consider our always popular Wooden Egg Shakers. They are handmade and Fair Trade Certified from Bali.

Lastly, don't forget about Arts and Crafts Supplies! Customer favorites, that will fit nicely into a small basket include Mama K's Aromatic Play Clay and Soy Crayon Rocks (don't they look like jellybeans?).

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