Down To Earth in the News~January

The Citizen
Toy story: Down to Earth Toys

Carrin Weirauch of Down to Earth Toys.
By Susan Bromley.

January 02, 2008 - Brandon Twp.- Carrin Weirauch is promoting a back to basics approach with her new business, Down to Earth Toys.

The online store, Down To Earth Toys, features wooden, natural, and educational toys and went live in November. The store opens at a time when toy recalls are rampant because of lead paint found in toys made in China. The majority of products sold by Down to Earth Toys, 90 percent, are American-made. The rest are from Europe or fair-trade sources.

"They are not mass-produced or from sweatshops," Weirauch said. "Most of the toys are handmade and the Fair Trade Federation certifies the workers get a fair wage and the hours they work are regulated."

Weirauch begun the website as a way to have a career that would allow her to stay home with her 1-year-old son and was inspired by a need for safe toys, as well as ones that keep jobs in the United States.

"My husband is in the automotive industry and we've seen what outsourcing has done, as well as toy recalls," she said. "Those two things made me realize there was a need for a place where people could go and feel good about toys and feel safe knowing they won't be recalled or be a reason for outsourcing."

Weirauch has assembled a collection of more than 150 different products for children from newborn to 12-years-old that includes baby rattles, teething toys, push and pull toys for toddlers, musical instruments, puzzles, dolls, furniture, arts and crafts supplies, and organic, natural fiber soft toys. There is nothing in the collection that is battery-powered or electronic."

Studies have found that toys that require children to use their imagination are better for them developmentally and intellectually," said Weirauch. "It's all about fostering their imagination and creativity. These are heirloom quality toys that can be passed down and not wind up in a landfill."

Weirauch has had a good response to Down to Earth Toys, and she plans to add items to the website on a regular basis and will offer toy shows locally.

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