Cabin Fever got you down?

With so much cold and snowy weather around the country, what do you do to keep your kids entertained?
Here at our home, we've been doing a lot of dancing and singing! And I mean A LOT! You'd think I would be in much better shape than I am!

One of our favorite CD's is You are my Little Bird by Elizabeth Mitchell. We love it so much, that it was the first album we just had to have in our store.
This album is a must have for any family who enjoys wonderful children's music as much as we do!

Fun soon follows whenever we break out our Coconut Clave Rhythm Sticks! Our 22 month old son really gets down when he has these in hand. They are just the right size and produce such a warm and rich sound when knocked together.
Pronounced "klah-vey", they are made in Indonesia from retired Coconut Trees.
You have all heard of our dog who loves to eat various wooden toy items....Well, we are making sure to keep the sticks well out of her reach!
Down To Earth Toys also has a lot of other great ideas for indoor activities. Take a look at our People of the World Felting Kit, Wooden Partner Game or World Playground Activity Kit from Putumayo Kids.

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